Customer Testimonials

As head of innovation, Brian was able to help PLANiT navigate through various complex decisions about why, how and where to grow our business. Brian’s diverse background in organizational design, sales strategies, operations, partnerships and technology helped PLANiT to identify and focus on key areas of innovation that will drive our next generation of growth. Brian has an innate ability to quickly focus in on the core of a problem. Once identified, he will present various pathways to solving the problem. He is well respected in various industries and I highly recommend his services.

Mike Laurie,  President

Brian displayed entrepreneurial leadership in preparing and communicating the technology and business model for the MRI market to the industry experts who attended the Larta/NIH Feedback Sessions in Washington, DC. Recommendations on monetization, partnerships,and regulatory & reimbursement requirements, were well received. These efforts, along with the execution of lean startup principles (significant customer feedback and business model innovation), are leading to capital investment in the company.

Lancy Manning, CEO

Brian is the kind of guy who can turn a startup into a fully-formed company without sacrificing any of the enthusiasm, culture or efficiency. He listens to developers and takes their input seriously when making decisions. If there are gaps in processes, he finds a way to fill them without disruption. He has a progressive understanding of what makes a business a good place to work and sticks to it. And most importantly, he does all of this while still being a key part of the company culture. If you need someone to steer your growing company in the right direction, both operationally and strategically, Brian is exactly who you are looking for. 

Clark Teeple, Development Manager

Throughout this project he demonstrated to-notch management skills ranging from goal-setting and clarifying expectations to active involvement; thoughtfully interpreting market intelligence data-points we collected to inform business model choices, translating them into actionable business development activities. Our work also involved engaging strategic collaboration conversations with global accounts, during which he showed excellent communication skills, business acumen, and world-class business development professionalism; he left no stone unturned while remaining on-point and efficient, making sure meetings resulted in clear and productive outcomes.

Jabril Bensedrine, Managing Director